Non-thermal technology

Fish plays an important role in food sector contributing mainly to the nutritional security of many developing countries like India. As fish is highly perishable they require proper processing and packaging to maintain the quality. Awareness about healthy food and…

Introduction One of the earliest techniques for preserving food, which has been modernized by technological advancements in the past century is dehydration. The primary objectives of this method are to reduce water content and prolong the shelf life of food…

A new non-thermal food processing method called Dense Phase Carbon Dioxide (DPCD) makes use of the molecular effects of CO2 at pressures lower than 50 MPa to inactivate microorganisms and enzymes, without subjecting the product to adverse heat effects and…

Abstract Electron-beam or E-Beam Radiation is a non-thermal method of food processing. It does not alter the physical properties of food products when an appropriate dose is applied. There is a rising global demand for fresh produce, ensuring its safety…