Sid’s Farm, a premium D2C dairy brand based in Telangana, played host to 250 school children from the Hyderabad Public School (HPS), Begumpet, at their quaint farm situated in Chevella this Tuesday (21st December 2022). The Sid’s Farm campus buzzed…
milk and dairy products
Sids Farm, a premium D2C dairy brand based out of Telangana, announced that it has increased the retail price of its A2 Buffalo Milk by Rs. 2/- per 500 ml packet effective immediately. The revised price is now Rs. 50/-…
Ingen Technologies, a fully-owned subsidiary of WRMS, has launched a state-of-the-art indigenously manufactured smart e-lock – SecuLock. This smart e-lock has been developed for live monitoring and prevention of theft & pilferage, especially in milk tankers. As per the leading…