Rebel Foods, the largest cloud kitchen company has requested Ashika Capital, an investment banking firm to take charge of the progress and success of the company. It will be giving suggestions to the company to expand its horizon by roping more independent cloud kitchens and diversifying them further.
Within this collaboration, the Rebel Foods will assist the company to locate cloud kitchens from specific cities in an effort to take them on a nationwide level. The company already looks after the cloud kitchens for their own brands such as Faasos, Behrouz Biryani and Oven Story. It also outsources kitchens for popular brands such as Mad Over Donuts, Anand Sweets and Wendy’s. This association is aimed to bring more such brands, big and small, on board to give reinforcement to the cloud kitchen culture.
This partnership comes at an extremely crucial time as a sharp rise is witnessed in the number of cloud kitchens around the nation since the outbreak of the pandemic. In such a scenario where more and more people are inclined towards ordering food online because of the convenience and safety that comes along, this is a great chance for the company to widen its outreach.
Commenting upon how the partnership is going to be advantageous for both the entities and the increasing popularity of the concept of cloud kitchens, Mihir Mehta, senior vice president at Ashika Capital stated “This association is hopeful to bring about positive changes in the food and beverage industry of the country and to place smaller and bigger cloud kitchens on the Indian map.”
Rebel Foods Joins Hands With Ashika Capital To Bolster Cloud Kitchens
Shashank Gaurav
A Zoophile scrambling the horizon for surreal subtleties, sheer poetic at heart and quite handy with life.