The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has nodded to the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare of the Republic of India and Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Fiji for partnership in the field of Agriculture and Allied Sectors.
The MoU between India and Fiji agrees for collaborations in the following areas as signed by Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare:
Exchange of research personnel, scientific experts, specialists, and technical trainees; Enhancement and transfer of technology; Development of human resources through training of officers and farmers by conducting seminars and workshops; Development of infrastructure for agriculture development; Establishment of Indo – Fiji Working Group for dealing phytosanitary issues; Joint planning and development of research proposals and execution of research projects and programmes; Promotion of investment in marketing and value addition/downstream processing of agricultural commodities; Promotion of joint ventures between private sectors of both countries; Promotion of direct trade of agriculture products through market access; Promotion of capacity development in all agricultural areas; and any other form of cooperation which will be mutually approved by the Parties.
Under the MoU, a Joint Working Group (JWG) will be formed to set down procedures and strategy and advice programs of cooperation towards accomplishing its goals through the Executing agencies of the two nations. The JWG’s meeting would alternately be held in India and Fiji once in every two year.
This MoU will come into force on the date of its signing and will remain in effect for a period of 5 years.