iD Fresh Food has put in Rs 40 crore to set up a gigantic home kitchen which is state-of-the-art and world’s largest idly and dosa batter preparation and packaging plant in Anekal, Karnataka. The facility is expanded across 80,000 sq ft area and is designed in such a way that it can address the rising demand for their idly and dosa batter and parota across India.
The strategic investment typifies the brand’s goal to further bolster its market leadership in the fresh foods category and the potential of its idly and dosa batter and parota to amplify the overall revenue of the company. Over the years, the company has put itself as the clear market leader in the idly and dosa segment and is presently delivering to more than 45 cites, across 30,000 retail stores across India, UAE and US.
Talking about the launch, Musthafa PC, co-founder and CEO of iD Fresh Food stated- “We are extremely delighted to introduce you to the World’s largest Idly batter factory. Since March 2020, we have witnessed a 5% and 38% surge in demand for our idly and dosa batter and parotas respectively. The new facility marks a key breakthrough in the company’s journey – not only because of its sheer size but also because of the fact that it is a fully-automated kitchen. When functioning at its highest possible capacity, it will be able to produce 1 lakh kg batter and 3 lakh parotas per day. It takes us a step nearer to our ambition of building a better and healthier world for our coming generations. In the next phase of operations, we are planning to leverage renewable energy and reduce our carbon footprint so as to make a positive social impact.”
Commenting upon the consumer trend, Rahul Gandhi, chief marketing officer of iD Fresh Food mentioned- “Over the last year, we have witnessed a rise in consumers making sensible lifestyle choices, be it their health or the food they are eating. While the lockdown instituted the home cooking trend, we believe it has given way to a noticeable cultural shift – the younger generation and busy nuclear couples are discerning the several benefits of eating salubrious, fresh, and easy-to-cook food. They are acknowledging the fact that they don’t have to compromise between healthy, delectable, and quick when it comes to their daily meals.”
Once the pandemic loosens, the company intends to invite schools and the public to the giant home kitchen to observe the state-of-the-art technology used in preparing the food.
Sharing his views about the experience of building the world-class plant, Abdul Nazer, co-founder and director, iD Fresh Food said- “When we established iD, we made the products by conventional methods using equipment that we use in our homes. However, as the company evolved, we required a more efficient solution to serve to the growing demand for our products. For our new factory, which is the world’s largest idly batter factory, we collaborated with companies in Europe and the US to build customized equipment to control all the facets of making batter and parotas. After three years of trial and error, we now have the machinery to handle the processes flawlessly.”
The company’s other fresh, home-made style foods comprise Curd, Grated Coconut in a Coconut, Natural Paneer, Smart Sip Tender Coconut, of Squeeze and Fry Vada batter, Whole Wheat Chapatis, and three blends Instant Filter Coffee Liquid among others.
iD Fresh Food To Install Largest Idly Dosa Batter Factory At Anekal
Shashank Gaurav
A Zoophile scrambling the horizon for surreal subtleties, sheer poetic at heart and quite handy with life.