DuPont Nutrition and Biosciences has unveiled in North America, Versilk, the most recent innovation in its portfolio of enzymes to assist yogurt and beverage manufacturers in accomplishing unsurpassed texture and flavour in yogurts, drinkable dairy products and other drinkable fermented products. Manufacturers can reach their label-friendly targets by making use of this native enzyme, a convenient and foolproof processing aid.
Dairy and beverage manufacturers have grappled for long with formulation of high protein yogurts. Fortifying dairy or plant-based yogurt to enrich it with more protein content can lead to incremented thickness and bitter notes in the ultimate product.
This creativity is a viscosity-modulating enzyme for high protein applications, providing manufacturers a new approach to offer the required viscosity, mouthfeel and taste profile that fulfills consumers’ demands for an immersive product entwined with salubrious advantages. It permits producers of dairy and plant-based yogurts to incorporate up to 14% protein in the end product – an increment of 30% over what is common now-a-days.
It is also easy to adopt into an established yogurt production, it is mixed with the cultures and can aid in imparting potential amelioration to both flavor and fermentation period, on the basis of protein base. It is flexible and hence adaptable across a number of types of products.
Clementina Dellomonaco, global product manager, Dairy Enzymes, DuPont Nutrition andBiosciences stated- “Versilk is the most recent one in our basket of solutions consisting of enzymes, cultures, proteins and functional solutions. In partnership with our leading industry expertise, we can assist the manufacturers to respond to the market trends and supply health-giving and sumptuous yogurt products to satiate the needs of the consumers.”