To mark the momentous inauguration of Ram Mandir in Ayodhya, Dabur India Limited has recently announced the launch of Special Edition Ayodhya packs of its leading brands Dabur Red Paste and Dabur Amla Hair Oil. These limited-edition packs have been designed to add an extra touch of joy and celebration to this auspicious beginning.
Read: January Issue of Food Infotech Magazine.
The special packs will be available in select markets of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh for two months.
Abhishek Jugran, Executive Vice President-Marketing, Dabur India Limited stated – “We are delighted to introduce the limited-edition Ayodhya packs for Dabur Red Paste and Dabur Amla Hair Oil. It is indeed an honour for us to be a part of this historic and sacred event as these packs celebrate a crucial moment in our history, the Ram Mandir consecration. They have been launched as a token of our respect for our cultural heritage and traditions.”
The packs feature a replica of the Ram Mandir on the front panel, capturing the essence of this momentous occasion.
About Dabur India Ltd:
Dabur India Ltd is one of India’s leading FMCG companies. Building on a legacy of quality and experience for 139 years, today Dabur is India’s most trusted name and the world’s largest Ayurvedic and Natural Health Care Company. Dabur India’s FMCG portfolio includes nine Power Brands: Dabur Chyawanprash, Dabur Honey, Dabur Honitus, Dabur Lal Tail and Dabur PudinHara in the Healthcare space; Dabur Amla, Vatika and Dabur Red Paste in Personal Care; and Réal in the Foods & Beverages category.